Our focus
In a recent survey of 487 currently employed public accounting professionals, we posed one simple question - “If you were looking for a new position, would you respond to a job post for another CPA firm?”
Their response?
84.6% of those surveyed replied, “NO.”
To those that responded “NO,” we followed up with another simple question - “Why?”
- 38% - Work-Life Balance
- 23% - Too Big of a Focus On Billings vs. Client Service
- 22% - Don’t Like Public Accounting
- 18% - Other
As an owner, partner, or hiring leader within a Locally-Owned CPA firm, you may ask, “why should that matter to me?” Here are a few reasons:
- For every 10 qualified candidates in the market, only one to two will respond to your job posting.
- Of the eight to nine that will not reply to your job post, their reasons for potentially leaving public accounting, have nothing to do with the role they are in or the work they do.
- It has everything to do with WHERE they do what they do, not WHAT they do.
- Who is your Brand Ambassador to reach those potential candidates that you can offer a better environment, culture, and opportunity vs. their current firm?